Friday, May 21, 11:39 PMAnother missive from the edge.
The deeper and deeper into the meta rabbit hole I go. I am trying, without any luck to create an organizational structure that will endure. A structure that is adaptable yet timeless. There are so many obstacles to this end, so far I've determined that the biggest is probably the nature of conventional Latin alphanumeric characters; namely the L to R (left to right), T to B (top to bottom) writing / reading model.
This can be further distilled down into the necessity of using more than one axis to link (connect) individual fragments of information. Linear information layout attempts to mimic this function using tabulated formatting, columns and rows (X & Y); which is great if you are only working with two axises. I on the other hand am working routinely with 1-4 axises, in rare cases I may even have more than that! This led me to the conclusion that an analog approach might suit my needs better; specifically a floating point radial graph.
It's a bit odd, but the contemporary languages used for layout (HTML, CSS) are surprisingly inflexible when it comes to changing the base orientation of the written word. Naturally there are several interim hacks that people have developed, and even a few codified attempts to establish a standard method. Sadly none of them work reliably, most are not interoperable. Radial is entirely out of the question.
Orientations aside, these layout languages are inherently inadequate for expressing complex graphs using a simple, uniform syntax. Even if the syntax were simple (which it certainly is not), it becomes a logistical nightmare to manage the invisible substructure of the formatting; here I am speaking purely in human terms, I want this data to be handcrafted, to be elegant, pristine, and articulate to the point of penetrating and infecting the hard shell of the real world on a semantic level.
Another facet of the problem is an emergent one, in reality I'm trying to create two parallel
connectivity maps; one is for humans, the other is for machines (more specifically hardware-software hybrid AIs). This is not a straightforward process; the structure of the web which both humans and machines transverse has its own unavoidable foibles. URLs for example, the most recent model encourages "friendly" URLs that include human-readable natural language.
This is opposed to the previous model that favored compact illegible strings both randomly generated and sequential. Natural language relies on spaces, URLs are space phobic. Using special characters like the dash or underscore to mitigate these limitations introduces its own set of complications. Ultimately however making these kinds of compromises does nothing besides expose the profound stupidity of using a puerile organizational structure that clearly has no future; is not scalable, is not modular, is not sustainable, is not symbolic beyond symbolizing failure.
All these factors become very problematic when combined. They are only cementing the realization in my mind that I must crack this problem before I can continue with the minutia of my continuum. Structure must be established at the most rudimentary level, just like with fractals or weaving, countless natural systems, organic, crystalline, the parallels are unavoidable: organizational structure is the key to everything, it unlocks all the consecutive doors, it connects all the planes, it is the one, true, universal language.