Neotoy Master Timeline a.k.a. "2010 hybrid timeline" Updated 10/30/10.
A "merge & purge" version of the extinction timeline (i.e. "
the last renaissance" starting at 2025) and the 2006 timeline (i.e. "
neotoy continuum timeline" starting at 2206).
First a word regarding the two timelines cited above. The 2006 timeline is fairly long-term, broad-stroked and focuses tightly on how neotoy came into existence; specifically the transitional period between the collapse of human civilization and the manifestation of the neotoy continuum. It then goes on to briefly cover the formative stages of a highly hypothetical neotopian civilization and culture.
The last renaissance timeline on the other hand is far more general in scope and focuses on contemporary human civilization and how it might devolve over a period of ~200 years; in truth it does not really address the neotoy continuum at all, but rather provides an alternative perspective in regards to how human civilization arrives at the point where the need for a neotoy continuum becomes inevitable.
Naturally if one were to chronologically stitch the two timelines together they would start with the LR (last renaissance) timeline at 2025-2200 and then pick up with the NC (neotoy continuum) timeline at 2206-2233-NC110. This provides the reader with a slightly incongruous patchwork of events transpiring between 2025AD and 2328AD, although technically the terrestrial timeline ends 2233AD.
I've decided to take this new hybrid timeline to the next level and "sync" it with our actual timeline. In other words the starting date will be 2010, and it will incorporate actual events into the general mythology. I believe this will allow for improved continuity for the narrative and greater predictive accuracy in regard to probable events.
Keep in mind I'm not crazy, neotoy is still merely a work of science-fantasy, I'm not hoping it will actually become real, nor am I trying to make that happen in any way. I also realize that the probability of our actual timeline taking such a path is less than zero. I'm more than okay with this, I much prefer creating a continuum that will never really exist outside my mind, this makes it all that more special and unique IMO.
That being said I have no problem with so-called "cross-pollination" effects, or neotopian artifacts and memes migrating into the real world. Since neotoy itself is impervious to invasion, I kinda like the idea of it invading our dimension. Alright, enough with the preamble, time to get this party started.
The Present. The Great Recession of 2007-2009 is apparently over, although the collective psyche of our species has been rattled to the core, and the lingering sense of uncertainty that resulted from the crisis is proving much harder to shake. Regardless both the first and developing world continue to blindly blow hot air into the hemorrhaging ideological balloon that is the status quo. Betting the future of civilization on the theory that unsustainable consumption and growth can go on forever in a world of finite resources.
Meanwhile a myriad of fringe industries – higher-tech variants of what were bleeding edge fields science mere decades ago – are starting to establish themselves as fixtures of everyday life. Nanotechnology, biotechnology, cybertechnology, etc. It seems as though our species is engaged in an epic race to the death, pitting imminent ecological suicide against the slim chance that advanced technology might be enough to save us from ourselves. Ugly yet exciting times.
Surprise, the world doesn't end.. yet.
In other news, people are starting to put hardware into their bodies, little things at first like mobile phones and passive sensors for monitoring basic health. These are still early adopters, yet clear indicators of a nascent trend. Likewise prenatal genetic manipulation is becoming far more common, incidentally it's also far more necessary due to the fact that record numbers of children are being born with various forms of PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorder), GM does manage to mitigate this a little.
The global economy is a severely mixed bag, predictably the US is still in decline, although it still manages to effect a profound geopolitical influence primarily because of technological innoventions, still nothing quite revolutionary on the horizon. General progress in "renewable" energy and infrastructure worldwide is helping lift more people out of poverty, however it is not doing much in regards to restoring or even limiting damage to the ecosystem; in fact things are getting dramatically worse there.
This year is crucial to the timeline because it represents the absolute "tipping point" where the balancing act between human prosperity and ecological health finally falls apart. In other words, this is the first time in human history that our centuries of abuse and exploitation of the environment finally catch up to us. In essence the ecosystem itself begins to break down. Automatic systems that humans have relied upon from time immemorial are no longer automatic. There is really only two options at this point, take over those systems – replace them with technology – or face extinction.
The Ecocrash (Once the ecosystem goes, everything goes.). As with most "crashes" throughout recorded history no single event can be held responsible for the Ecocrash. Rather the Ecocrash, as it came to be called, was the product of countless converging cause and effect relationships that had been brewing for hundreds if not thousands of years. Exponential population growth coupled with hyper-industrialization, exacerbated by general human greed and stupidity, everything culminating in the perfect storm, a storm to end all storms.
The oceans, the most important link in the food chain are the first to go. An unholy matrimony of pollution, overfishing, temperature increase, oxygen depletion and acidification reach a critical mass. Put simply the world's oceans are no longer capable of supporting the vast array of life that once flourished there. The Phytoplankton ripple effect is felt throughout the food web. Next to fall are the agricultural centers as ocean and climate change in concert with growing oil and water scarcity begin to chronically emaciate yields worldwide.
It's worth noting that this is the most critical time for those possessing the majority of the planet's resources, foresight and intelligence. These elites immediately commit themselves to changing the course of the future. Unlike with the previous "Great Recession" it is now obvious to most people in the higher echelons of society that this is far more serious. Therefore they do not waste any time and proceeded to lay the foundations that will allow them to secure what they have as quickly as possible.
The result is what has previously been dubbed by collapse analysts as the "Fortress City Scenario". The most affluence civic centers in the world began to barricade themselves away from the general population; erecting truly intimidating concrete walls, some hundreds of meters high, under the pretense of protecting their populations from the increasingly violent and unpredictable weather systems. Connecting these civic fortresses are super-highways, many dozens of lanes wide, and thousands of kilometers long.
While it obviously takes a long time for these things to happen, 2019 is essentially when the construction starts. Keep in mind the systemic trauma felt around the world in 2018 has added greatly to the fluidity of the political process.
Manual labor is absurdly cheap, mainly because the economic crash has reduced the consumption based society to ruins, this results in billions of unemployed laborers. Naturally they are eager to work on infrastructure projects, it's like a mixture of America's 1850s Railroad boom and the 1930s New Deal.
Very rapidly it becomes clear that society is splitting into two distinct segments, the classic haves vs. the have nots. The haves lived out their lives in the cities, relying heavily on energy-intensive technology to augment their survival. The have nots on the other hand were basically left to fend for themselves in the ruins of the old world. Although exceedingly grim, this was not actually as bad as it sounds. In reality life in the cities was exceptionally strict and despite their former wealth and influence the citizens who lived there were not able to raise their standard of living.
On the outside life was brutal and short, but also free. And there were always individuals who manage to adapt to the horrific conditions and scrape together a kind of life that was altogether not all that different from what transpired inside the cities. This was probably the greatest tragedy of all, that human civilization was still attempting to separate into contrived classes, even when it would have been obvious to any outside observer that with the ecosystem in ruins, the standard of living was no longer determined by engineered scarcity; the scarcity was real, and everyone was having to deal with it equally.
Basically what has happened since the Ecocrash is that the populations of the world and the governments of their respective countries have been forced to accept the fact that things have changed for humanity. Recovery is no longer possible, the economic models that powered civilization for thousands of years are no longer possible.
Essentially we have used up earth's resources, or more specifically we have permanently damaged the planet's ecosystem beyond repair; so-called "renewable" resources are no longer renewing. Things that we took for granted like abundant plant and wildlife for sustenance are all declining regardless of global consumption patterns.
Even things far less complex, i.e. elemental like clean water and oxygen are becoming scarce. In short it has become obvious to all humanity that the earth's ecosystem is dying, and that we are responsible. Although it is hard to collectively focus on this fact due to the dramatic increase in humanitarian crisis: drought, famine, plague, floods, etc.
The dominant statistic broadcast by the media is the daily "death report" which is always in the low millions, the majority being from the 3rd world, although that classification has lost most of its meaning.