It could be said that the city and neotoy are essentially synonymous, or at the very least difficult to differentiate. Neotoy itself is often referred to as the
city-planet. The reason for this is that the city covers the entire surface of the globe. The city also extends down below in the form of several concentric levels that ultimately terminate at the planet's core.
While there are some open spaces that could be compared to natural land, forests, caves etc., in addition to polar wastes that appear to be natural land, the fact remains, the planet itself is in fact a city and does not contain a single molecule or atom of naturally occurring Terra firma or formative structure.
The polar wastes themselves are merely overlays of accumulated
meta-mass, including semi-liquid polytoy and granulated polystrand that mimic snow, ice, sand, etc. If and when these layers are removed, the substructure of the city is revealed. Likewise caves and open spaces are allocated by virtue of the surrounding architecture, and are placed strategically to appear random.
The city is where virtually everything takes place, although denizens are free to travel to local components of the continuum i.e. the moon, and even other dimensions if they are able, the city is essentially their "home", and as such it possesses a certain magnetic quality that compels them to inevitably return. Although it is not confirmed at this time, there is a high probability that a symbiotic relationship exists between the denizens and the city, preventing them from leaving it for indefinite periods.
Overall the city can best be described as a collection of 3D modular motifs that allow for the emergence of social complexity and functionality. Although that is not entirely accurate, mainly because every structure in the city is entirely unique. Meaning that there are no duplicate or identical structures, rather there is a pattern language that allows for an almost unlimited number of variations all within a strict structural spectrum.